Monday 11 January 2016

Lavajet Vedeo - Waste Management In The Pre-Industrial Era

Before industrialization led to more densely populated areas and a need for dedicated waste management programs, the issue of what to do with the trash that was produced was a fairly low priority. In fact, early systems relied far more on recycling, as raw materials were hard to come by so they had to be used in as many ways as possible before being discarded.

Furthermore, before the discovery and use of many of the natural resources that are common today, such as oil, the issue of what to do with products that are not bio-degradable didn’t exist. It is only through modernization that such factors have needed to be taken into account.

Before this, people tended to live in loosely populated areas that didn’t create waste to an extent that it caused a noticeable problem. Organic items rarely came with packaging, with a focus on consuming as much food as possible being the main concern. As such, the organic waste that did exist came in fairly low volumes and would be subject to the forces of nature, be that decomposition or consumption by other animals.

However, it is important to note that this low requirement for waste management was not the standard in every area. The Mayans, for example, were one of the earliest adopters of the incineration technique and would conduct monthly collections to dispose of their trash.

Led by company President Vedeo, Lavajet Vedeo is a global service waste management and disposal company that respects the history of the industry while also dedicating itself to implementing more efficient methods.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Lavajet and Vedeo - Waste Management - The Search For Alternatives

As humanity has developed, so too has its demands in relation to waste management. What started as a fairly minor issue in ancient times has become one of the primary concerns of our era, so it is important that research is conducted to search for new methods that increase efficiency and allow for safer disposal.

Commonly used waste management methods, such as incineration and landfills, have been in use for decades. While they still provide a valuable service, incineration has become increasingly unpopular due to the amount of energy required to dispose of the waste. Landfills, on the other hand, offers a more efficient solution but still runs into problems when the area dedicated to disposal is filled up.

Recycling has become popular in recent years, which has relieved some of the burden in these traditional methods. Furthermore, the concept of resource recovery, in which organic materials are separated and then used to generate energy via composting and methane harvesting, has also been gaining traction.

It is developments like this in the waste management sector that are going to be required if the service is to continue to fulfill the needs of the people. This is a primary issue of concern in relation to the sustainability of the environment and ensuring that products created using finite resources, such as plastics and metals, are used as thoroughly as possible before disposal.

Lavajet Vedeo is a multi-faceted global service waste management and disposal company that, under the direction of President Vedeo, that employs numerous methods for removal of garbage.

Friday 8 January 2016

Lavajet - What is Waste to Energy? Understanding the Basics

Large waste management companies such as Lavajet have been providing comprehensive waste management services to cities around the world. One of the advantages of effective waste management is in converting waste to energy. 

Waste to energy is a safe technology that takes care of waste disposal and produces renewable energy from solid waste. It helps reduce greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere and damaging the environment. According to a whitepaper released by the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), waste to energy facilities “are economically sound investments that provide multiple financial and environmental benefits to the communities that utilize them."

How Waste is Converted to Energy

The following is a basic explanation of how waste is converted to energy.
  • Municipal waste is collected and delivered to the waste management facilities, and the waste is transferred to a bunker for storage.
  • The waste is then transferred to a combustion chamber where it is burned at very high temperatures. The building around the bunker area is maintained under a negative pressure, and the air in the combustion process is used to control the odor.
  • The heat from the combustion process is used to boil water.
  • The steam produced is used directly to power a turbine to generate electricity.
  • Electricity is then distributed to the local grid.
  • The ash from the combustion is reprocessed to extract any remaining metal for recycling.
  •  The ash is then disposed of at a monofill, or used as cover material at other landfills.
  •  The gas that is collected is carefully processed before being released into the atmosphere.

Lavajet is a reliable and efficient waste management company.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Giancarlo Vedeo Lavajet - Tips For Growing Your Business

Over the years, many businesses have been started out of frustration at the way services are provided in established sectors. Whether its grocery store or a travel company, some small businesses have made a mark on their communities by focusing on providing better quality and innovative services.

Lavajet, a waste management company that was started operations in Italy in 1990, is an example of a small business that has grown to become a major player in the waste sector. Under the leadership of Giancarlo Vedeo, who is one of the firm’s founding employees, the company has branched to countries like the United States and Middle East. Even with more offices, the core management team has managed to keep the innovative spirit that has brought them success. 

The following lessons can be useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Have a mission

For Lavajet, the mission was to shake things up in the waste sector and provide valuable services. Entrepreneurs getting into business have to ensure they provide something of value to their customers, and keep a fun spirit all the way.

Company structure

Ensure that you have the right structure for the business. Let everyone be clear on their roles and responsibilities, and don’t shy from relying on partners to help you grow the business. For example, a good relationship with a supplier could help you expand without spending too much capital.

A good management team

Have the right people running the ship. It’s not easy to get it right at first. Many businesses fall flat because they don’t identify the people who can help them grow.

Giancarlo Vedeo has proven himself a manager worthy of leading Lavajet. He’s helped expand the company’s operations, not to mention adopt innovative waste management practices in all their locations.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Handling Biomedical Waste

While waste management always comes with a few hazards, few are as dangerous as the handling of biomedical waste. Though this can often be a dangerous proposition, it is also a necessary one that is vital to daily operations in society. Biomedical waste is usually defined as being potentially infectious, or containing unsterilized materials used in medical procedures. 

Biomedical waste can also come from developmental laboratories. Research labs usually produce waste that contains specimens and biological organisms that could cause serious issues if introduced into the environment. There are many kinds of biomedical wastes that can be harmful biologically, as well as physically. This is because many medical instruments that need to be disposed of are usually razor sharp, as they need to be to perform precise procedures.

Biomedical waste can come in the form of a liquid or a solid. Some easy examples of infectious biomedical waste include blood-stained gauze or bandages, used needles and scalpels, microbiological specimen and cultures. This can also include body parts, human or animal organs and tissue, used dressings, discarded surgical gloves, face masks. Some laboratories will also throw away contaminated petri dishes full of potentially hazardous bacteria.

When handling biomedical waste, extreme caution should be exercised on all fronts. This is because this kind of waste directly threatens the well-being of those that handle it. Most biomedical waste is a product of diagnosing, preventing, or treating diseases. That being said, they are highly likely to have been contaminated with a contagious disease during this process.

Lavajet, under the direction of President Vedeo, is a multi-faceted global service waste management and disposal company that is also capable of handling biomedical wastes.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Three Business Management Skills You Should Sharpen Up On

Business culture and styles are constantly changing and evolving in an effort for companies to stay ahead of their competition, change with cultural perceptions, and stay in line with business practice expectations. This is why it is important that you ensure your business management skills are sharp. Here are three skills that everyone in the business world should be brushing up on.

Improve your teamwork skills and learn to understand the dynamics of being a part of a team. You and your colleagues, or possibly employees, will become more effective and productive workers if you understand how to work together. When learning about team dynamics, try and understand personality clashes, balancing strengths with weaknesses, and leadership qualities.

Learn how to delegate properly and motivate yourself and others. Delegating is a very important skill in the business world because it ensures that all the tasks at hand get done. It is impossible for one individual to do everything. Delegating ensures that everyone plays their part and that all tasks get done. Motivational skills go hand in hand with delegating.

Improve your decision-making skills. You need to be able to make informed decisions appropriately and in a timely manner. This doesn't mean that you need to act quickly. You don't want to act quickly and make a rash decision. If you are to make an informed decision, sometimes it is best to go over it with your employees or colleagues. If you are in a position of power and time is of the essence, then making a quickly informed decision is a very important skill.

Marco Vedeo is an experienced entrepreneur and businessman in Miami, Florida. He has experience managing businesses all over the world. 

Thursday 1 October 2015

Lavajet: Office Recycling Tips

The office is one place where huge amounts of waste is produced. An office with 100 employees produces around 20 bags of waste per week. While it may be inevitable to produce waste, certain measures can be taken to reduce the amount of waste produced in the office. Recycling and reusing measures can help in making the office more resource efficient and reducing waste. Here are a couple of office recycling tips you can use.

Paper Consumption

The paper is probably the one thing that is most used in the office. To help reduce paper waste, you might want to recommend duplex printing. This simple tip can halve the paper consumption in the office. If you have over 50 employees in your office, you might want to speak to your printer supplier and have them set up “pull printing” or “FollowMe printing”. This technique has helped reduce printing volumes down by at least 30%.

Reduce and Reuse

Reducing paper usage is the first step. But there are other areas where you can reduce waste. Things like stationery, cardboard, toners, furniture and IT equipment can be reduced and reused as well.

Recycling System

Recycling is something you will probably need to consider if you want to reduce the amount of waste produced in the office. You can start a small recycling system and build on it. You might want to start with recycling paper and card, as these are the most used items in an office. Later you might want to include plastic, glass, fluorescent light bulbs, toners, batteries, CDs, furniture, IT equipment, and food waste.

Lavajet is a well-known waste management company offering comprehensive services to governments, industries, and businesses.